Downslope below ledges has more basswood and Staphylea, but chinquapin and bitternut are still dominant. Upslope becomes white oak-red oak with Jeffersonia dropping out. Rail trail is at bottom of slope. Below that is grazed floodplain forest.;Bluff slopes with rock ledges above outside bend in river. Limestone lithology is dramatically expressed by vegetation, with many calciphiles. Somewhat drier aspect results in dominance by chinquapin oak and bitternut hickory , but mesophytic species are also present . Shrub layer is affected by deer browse. Herb layer is lush, dominated by clonal forbs and grasses. Relatively few weeds for highly enriched soil.
Medium size patch of maturing chinquapin oak - bitternut forest. Plot is centered on soil between 2 imestone edges. Rockier areas below bottom ledge are similar but have more Staphylea.